On the first page, the narrator introduces the toolbox and says, "It's dark brown where hands have touched it." I liked that line. I liked that the authors wrote it that way instead of, "It's been used a lot." When I read it to Hadley, she quickly interrupts and asks, "Who touched it? Where is he? What did he do with the toolbox? What did he build?" Hadley isn't much for waxing poetic, I guess. She needs to know the facts of the story. Stat.
But we read through the book several times in the weeks we had it checked out. At one point, Hadley got out her toolbox, and we made a list of the things the toolbox in the book had in it, and the tools Hadley had in her toolbox.
Hadley enjoys measuring things. She frequently asks how tall things are: "How tall am I? How tall is this chair? How tall is Big Bird?" If I say, "I'm not sure, why don't you measure it with your ruler?" She'll tell me she measured the object, and "It's about a 5." Seems right to me.
Here she is measuring her blocks.
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